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Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 12:22:42 -0500
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From: (John Crookshank)
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Re: LW (Toaster?) Noise
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
Status: RO
On 09-Dec-95 19:21:50, Dennis R. Harp ( Emailed:
> I have objects and the camera parented to a null which
> rotates 360 deg. in order for a reflection image to cause a sheen
> to move across the surfaces. I have a background image which is a
> textured top-to-bottom color gradient--black to blue to black. As
> the sheen moves across the surface, the top & bottom of the bkg
> image have horizontal dark bands which occur at seemingly arbitrary
> y positions in each different frame.
> My only guess was that the luminance level was high enough
> that the toaster may have been artificially cutting down the luma
> level when the sheen went by. If that's the case, it seems to
> adjust the darker sections first. Is this the Toaster's automatic
> iris? The net effect is that when played at speed, there is so
> much noise at the top & bottom of the frame that it looks like the
> anim is coming off 4th generation VHS.
> I don't have a waveform monitor & vectorscope, but I do
> have a luma meter on a proc amp. It's an analog meter, so I doubt
> it reads peak levels too efficiently, but in any case, it stays
> right around 80% for each of the frames. I have the object about
> 80% luminous, "fractal reflections" as a planar image map in
> diffuse, 15% specular, and 100% reflective.
> Any ideas? Maybe crank down the light coming from the
> object? The bkg image certainly isn't too bright. I'll keep
> trying different methods, but if someone could cut this goose chase
> short, I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thanks. Dennis Harp.
Toaster? or Flyer? This sounds more like a documented Flyer VTASC problem.
An easy work-around if this is the case is to use the IFF2Clip macro
through ToasterPaint, not from the main "editor" screen. Although named the
same, the "IFF2Clip.rexx" programs are different, and the one that runs
from the main "editor" screen produces results as you described
(sometimes), while running the ToasterPaint version does not.